Her på falderebet af FIFA 19, er der kommet et godt tilbud som sætter fokus på venskaber og fællesskaber på tværs af kulturer, kontinenter og sprog – der er ingen pengepræmier på spil, men man kæmper om æren om at slå de andre lande og forsvare de danske farver.

Her kan man som dansker dyste mod spillere fra Europa, Afrika og England og teste sin styrke. Der er prestige på spil – og det handler om at slå de andre nationer og forhåbentlig vise at vi fra Danmark er bedst.

Europe Africa FIFA19 Mashup

Esports is exponential growing bring along diversity and inclusive engagement via online. The beauty of esports is anyone one in the world can be a part of a game or tournament. A participatory endeavor which knows no boundaries, bridging the gap between countries and continents. The power of Esports lies with the youth and when innovatively done, can evolve friendship between the youth of various countries. It is in this light that we are hosting an Esports tournament of a difference where players represent the country and connect to other gamers online to deliver to the world the power of virtual football, culture exchange, friendship, fair play, and goodwill

Gamers from European countries will be pair with Africa Gamers. Matches will be played in kickoff online mode of FIFA19 1vs1 Tournament on Playstation4

Availability on Tournament days and access to PSN Gold membership to play online. Date: 7th & 8th September 2019 Two days of gameplay using the Toornament App as tournament management.

Denmark, Ghana, Germany, Nigeria, Sweden, Guinea, Switzerland, Zimbabwe, Italy, and Djibouti

Join the tournament via this link below:
Sign up here

For any enquires email: qkwecy@gmail.com

Follow news regarding the tournament at @esportsgh page on Facebook

All streams @esportsghana page on Facebook and affiliate countries pages.

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